Village Life


This page is designed as a show case for the people, activities, facilities and general life of Great Holland.

If you have ideas for content - click on the link below and send an email with details. 

Poetry Corner
We've been sent this fantastic Poem on All Saints Church, written by Allen Warrender. 
Click on the link and enjoy the imagery.



 Use the links below to read up on some Gems within the Village! 

Summer is here in Great Holland - and this fantastic scene of a break in storm clouds, saw the days haystacks illuminated !



 . . . and still they come - War of the Worlds like, the Wind Farm is arriving.  Having said that, Orson Wells' creations were not slowed by economic downturn 

[View from Manor Road]



Crucus Field - Main Road 

Life is always colourful in Great Holland -
and not just because of the Crocus Field in Main Road.

The Page Links at the bottom of this page take you to a riot of information on societies, groups and amenities which go to make life in the village the rich tapestry it is ! 

Crucus - Main Road